Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Anglican Communion

I found a church where I could share and believe the same things as I do. Just along McKinley Road, where I usually pass by going to the office, there is this Anglican/Episcopalian Church, in front of a Catholic Church. I usually see the blue signage, but haven't really looked closer. Until one day, I tried to look closer. It says "Anglican". That did it. I am tired of being in the Evangelical wilderness.

I won't deny that deep inside, I could still feel sadness for leaving the Evangelical world. They're just too messy and diverse for me.

Years before, I was looking for a church that has a uniform set of basic beliefs. Unfortunately, I never found this in Protestantism. You have to adhere to a basic set of thoughts (e.g. Arminian, Calvinist, Wesleyan, etc.) before you become settled. The fact is, I really never have settled with any of these theologies.

With the Anglican Church, I am assured that Sunday after Sunday, we're not after some weird non-essential theology that will eventually form part of the church's non-negotiables. What's important to me is that I know that I am saved by the blood of Christ, not on some list of things to do so I could have a grand time here on earth.

I'll post the reasons why I became Anglican on my next entry.